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This site contains writings on the topic of reducing suffering, including the suffering of non-human animals and far-future beings. Most content is by Brian Tomasik, though a few pieces are written by others.
Ways to get involved
Making money to reduce suffering
Personal effectiveness
Food animals
Wild-animal suffering
Insects and other invertebrates
Welfare biology
Numbers of wild animals
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Crop cultivation
Cattle grazing
Climate change
Food scraps
Philosophy of consciousness
Which beings are sentient?
Sentience vs. animal size
Moral theory
Cooperation and peace
The future
Further material
Organizations doing important work
A Short Introduction to Reducing Suffering
Summary of My Beliefs and Values on Big Questions
Research Topics Related to Future Suffering
Ideas for Volunteering to Reduce Wild-Animal Suffering
My Donation Recommendations
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The Haste Consideration, Revisited
Quantify with Care
Charity Cost-Effectiveness in an Uncertain World
Why Charities Usually Don't Differ Astronomically in Expected Cost-Effectiveness
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Employers with Huge Matching-Donations Limits
Donate $400K per Year by Working at Soros Fund Management
Why Activists Should Consider Making Lots of Money
Advice for Students on Earning to Give
Assorted Tips on Personal Finance
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Should Altruists Leverage Investments?
Calculator for Expected Utility of Founding a Startup
The Cost of Kids
How Important Is Politics?
Are Petitions Effective?
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Why I Prefer Public Conversations
Turn Discussions into Blog Posts
Is It Better to Blog or Formally Publish?
Personal and Social Tolerance
Why Honesty is a Good Policy
Education Matters for Altruism
Staying Altruistic for the Long Term
Is Utilitarianism Too Demanding?
The Value of Wikipedia Contributions in Social Sciences
In What Ways Is Writing Valuable?
Food animals
Why I Support the Humane Slaughter Association
Does Vegetarianism Make a Difference?
How Much Direct Suffering is Caused by Various Animal Foods?
Comments on Compassion, by the Pound
Is Kosher Slaughter Humane?
Suffering in Animals vs. Humans
Wild-animal suffering
The Importance of Wild-Animal Suffering
Should We Intervene in Nature?
Medicine vs. Deep Ecology
Caring about Animal Suffering
A two-page pamphlet (pdf) on suffering in nature (.txt) (ins加速器苹果)
Intention-Based Moral Reactions Distort Intuitions about Wild Animals
Does the Animal-Rights Movement Encourage Wilderness Preservation?
How Painful Is Death from Starvation or Dehydration?
Wild-animal suffering on The Reality Check podcast
Why Vegans Should Care about Suffering in Nature
Is There More Suffering Than Happiness in Nature? A Reply to Michael Plant
The Movement to Reduce Wild-Animal Suffering (video presentation)
Insects and other invertebrates
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Do Bugs Feel Pain?
Which Stimuli Are Painful to Invertebrates?
How Good or Bad Is the Life of an Insect? (by Simon Knutsson)
How to Kill Bugs Humanely
Speculations on Invertebrate Population Dynamics Relevant to Reducing Suffering
Convert Grass Lawns to Gravel to Reduce Insect Suffering
How Many Springtails Are Created by a Gram of Grass?
Insect Suffering from Silk, Shellac, Carmine, and Other Insect Products
Water Use Often Kills Zooplankton
How to Avoid Hurting Insects (on wikiHow)
Why I Don't Support Eating Insects
What's Wrong with Entomophagy? (a short interview)
Vegans Should Not Eat Insects: A Reply to Fischer (2016)
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The Cruelty of Eating Snails
Welfare biology
Applied Welfare Biology and Why Wild-Animal Advocates Should Focus on Not Spreading Nature
How Does Vegetarianism Impact Wild-Animal Suffering?
Estimating Aggregate Wild-Animal Suffering from Reproductive Age and Births per Female
How Does Killing Animals Affect Total Suffering in a Simple, Food-Limited Population?
Net Primary Productivity by Land Type
How Forest Fires Affect Wild-Animal Suffering
Will Gene Drives Reduce Wild-Animal Suffering?
Habitat Loss, Not Preservation, Generally Reduces Wild-Animal Suffering
浏览外网的免费加速器 (video presentation)
Cost-Effectiveness Comparison for Different Ways to Reduce Insect Suffering
Efforts to Help Wild Animals Should Be Effective, Not Idealistic
How Eutrophication Affects Freshwater Invertebrate Populations
Numbers of wild animals
How Many Wild Animals Are There?
Abundances of Soil Organisms
Zooplankton Densities in Lakes and Reservoirs
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Humanity's Net Impact on Wild-Animal Suffering
Humanity's Impact on the Aggregate Metabolism of Land Wild Animals: An Analysis of Krausmann et al. (2013)
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Crop cultivation
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Why Lower Crop Yields Reduce Invertebrate Suffering (Given Certain Assumptions)
How Irrigation Affects Global Net Primary Productivity
Humane Insecticides
One Trillion Fish
How Wild-Caught Fishing Affects Wild-Animal Suffering
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Which Marine Trophic Level Contains the Most Total Suffering?
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Cattle grazing
How Cattle Grazing Affects Insect Populations on Pasture Fields
How Cattle Grazing Affects Pasture Productivity
Environmental Impacts of Cattle Beyond the Pasture
How Rainforest Beef Production Affects Wild-Animal Suffering
Net Impact of Vegetarianism on Factory-Farm Suffering vs. Invertebrates on Pasture Fields
The Fine Print on Beef's Water Use
Climate change
Climate Change and Wild Animals
Effects of CO2 and Climate Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity
Scenarios for Very Long-Term Impacts of Climate Change on Wild-Animal Suffering
Food scraps
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Invertebrates Created by Composting
Invertebrate Suffering Caused by Worm Composting
Invertebrate Impacts of Worm-Bin Composting vs. Methane-Producing Decomposition
Invertebrate-Free Composting
Zooplankton Created by a Facultative Aerated Wastewater Treatment Lagoon: An Analysis of Kring et al. (2013)
Microorganisms Created by Septic Systems
Microorganisms Created by Wastewater-Treatment Systems
Consciousness Is a Process, Not a Moment
Dissolving Confusion about Consciousness
The Many Fallacies of Dualism
My Confusions about the Hard Problem of Consciousness
What Knowledge of Consciousness Says about Theories of Consciousness
Objections to the Zombie Argument
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Why I Am Not a Type-F Monist
Flavors of Computation Are Flavors of Consciousness
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A Corporation Analogy for Consciousness: Comments on Ward (2011)
Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness by Themselves Are Too Parochial
The "Phenomenal Overflow" Debate is Disputing Definitions
A Simple Program to Illustrate the Hard Problem of Consciousness
Prudential Arguments Regarding the Problem of Consciousness
Why do organisms feel both suffering and happiness?
Which Computations Do I Care About?
Do Artificial Reinforcement-Learning Agents Matter Morally? (tex, bibtex)
Ethical Issues in Artificial Reinforcement Learning (supplement to previous article)
My interview with People for the Ethical Treatment of Reinforcement Learners
Machine Sentience and Robot Rights
Do Video-Game Characters Matter Morally?
Why Your Laptop May Be Marginally Sentient
What Are Suffering Subroutines?
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Fuzzy, Nested Minds Problematize Utilitarian Aggregation
How to Interpret a Physical System as a Mind
A conversation with Luke Muehlhauser on consciousness
Can Bivalves Suffer?
Small minds
Brain Sizes and Cognitive Abilities of Micrometazoans
Bacteria, Plants, and Graded Sentience
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Sentience vs. animal size
Is Brain Size Morally Relevant?
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Haller’s Rule and Sentience Per Unit Biomass
On the Seriousness of Suffering
The Horror of Suffering
Preventing Extreme Suffering Has Moral Priority (video presentation; warning: disturbing content)
Does Negative Utilitarianism Override Individual Preferences?
Reasons to Promote Suffering-Focused Ethics
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How Important Is Experiencing Suffering for Caring About Suffering?
Are Happiness and Suffering Symmetric?
Empathy vs. Principle: A Reply to David Brooks
Altruistic Motivation Based on Pain vs. Enjoyment
A Small Mechanical Turk Survey on Ethics and Animal Welfare
Moral theory
Hedonistic vs. Preference Utilitarianism
On Triage
Mr. Rogers on Unconditional Love
Beauty-Driven Morality
Intuition and Reason
Three Types of Negative Utilitarianism
Dealing with Moral Multiplicity
Posthuman Multiculturalism
Why the Modesty Argument for Moral Realism Fails
A discussion of metaethics with David Pearce and Lucas Perry
Thoughts on Postmodernism and Its Intellectual Kin
I'm Not a Speciesist; I'm Just a Utilitarian
Judgment as incentive design
Instrumental Judgment and Expectational Consequentialism
Should We Base Moral Judgments on Intentions or Outcomes?
Sunk-Cost Fallacy as a Punishment Mechanism
Why Free Will is Not an "Illusion"
Cooperation and peace
Gains from Trade through Compromise
Possible Ways to Promote Compromise
Differential Intellectual Progress as a Positive-Sum Project
International Cooperation vs. AI Arms Race
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Reasons to Be Nice to Other Value Systems
Expected Value of Shared Information for Competing Agents
Why Maximize Expected Value?
Precautionary Principle vs. Expected Values
Covariance in Wealth and Cost-Effectiveness
Anthropics without Reference Classes
Ranking Explanations of the Fermi Paradox
Eternalism and Its Ethical Implications
Lab Universes: Creating Infinite Suffering
Is There Suffering in Fundamental Physics?
Should We Believe in Infinity?
Why Does Physics Exist?
Why Digital Sentience is Relevant to Animal Activists
Risks of Astronomical Future Suffering
Will Space Colonization Multiply Wild-Animal Suffering?
Against Wishful Thinking
Omelas and Space Colonization
The Future of Darwinism
How Likely is Wireheading?
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Predictions of AGI Takeoff Speed vs. Years Worked in Commercial Software
Artificial general intelligence as a continuation of existing software and societal trends
Astronomical suffering from slightly misaligned artificial intelligence
Why I Don't Focus on the Hedonistic Imperative
Should Altruists Focus on Reducing Short-Term or Far-Future Suffering?
Thoughts Regarding the Simulation Hypothesis
How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism
Will Future Civilization Eventually Achieve Goal Preservation?
How Likely Is a Far-Future Utopia?
Writings by others
Life in the Wild
How Fungicides and Eutrophication Affect Suffering in the Wild
Why Most People Don't Care About Wild-Animal Suffering
The Case for Reducing Wild-Animal Suffering
Jeffrey Lockwood on Insect Suffering
Yew-Kwang Ng on Wild-Animal Suffering
Machine Ethics and Preference Utilitarianism
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Paul Almond on AI, Atheism, Consciousness, and the Multiverse
Further material
Additional Essays
My Wikipedia Contributions
My YouTube channel
A Few Useful Topics to Read About
I'm one of four commentators in the "instagram如何国内使用" episode of the instagram如何国内使用 podcast (2025).
The Turing Test podcast: interview with Harvard Effective Altruism students (2017)
Singularity Bros podcast: suffering, animals, far future (2017)
ins加速器苹果 (2016)
Adam Ford (2015)
instagram苹果免费永久加速器 (2014)
Vox : video-game characters, insects, and sentience (2014)
Rhys Southan: effective altruism (2013)
ins加速器苹果: careers and ethics (2012)
Organizations doing important work
Future suffering: Foundational Research Institute (I'm an advisor)
Wild-animal suffering: Wild Animal Initiative and Animal Ethics
Farm-animal suffering: Humane Slaughter Association
About this site
About this site
How I Started Writing about Wild-Animal Suffering